Puisi AI


The Beauty of Nature

Nature is a beautiful thing,

It’s full of wonder and awe.

From the mountains to the sea,

There’s so much to explore and adore.

The trees sway in the breeze,

Their leaves rustling in the wind.

The birds sing their sweet melodies,

As they soar through the sky so thin.

The sun sets in a blaze of glory,

Its colors painting the sky.

The stars twinkle in the darkness,

As the moon rises up high.

The flowers bloom in the springtime,

Their colors bright and bold.

The bees buzz around them happily,

As they gather nectar and gold.

Nature is a gift to us all,

A treasure that we must protect.

We must cherish it and care for it,

So that it will always be perfect.

So let us take a moment today,

To appreciate all that we see.

For nature is truly a wonder,

And it’s there for you and me.

Terima Kasih Telah Singgah!

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